Sunday, May 3, 2009

the garden

It is spring throughout the US, and many of us have turned our attention to the outdoors - taking a walk in a nearby park, replacing the wreath on our front door, potting some flowers for the front porch, and even updating our planting areas, if we have a yard. So far, we have purchased a tree, some flowers, herbs for the kitchen, decorative planting pots, and the necessary materials to make a "spring" wreath for our front door.

Planning and procuring plants and other items for our backyard has been as time-consuming and expensive as decorating a room. Perhaps, more so. It has also brought us as much pleasure. After scouring many magazines, the internet and books from the library for ideas, and touring other neighborhoods by foot and car for further inspiration, I finally developed a detailed "plan" for our backyard. I planned a Japanese-style garden/yard. Our life is hectic and I wished for a calm and relaxing garden.

With plan in hand, we went to our favorite nurseries. Each time I would ask for a specific plant, the knowledgeable nurseryman would pause, his or her face would assume a blank look and they would politely say that perhaps they could show me a similar plant more suited for the local climate. The local climate is confined almost just to our city as it is on the border of two zones. Each time I would dutifully take the substitute flower/plant/tree home and have it planted.

I am flexible. My garden looks like an English countryside garden replete with hummingbirds, butterflies and a profusion of flowers! Sometimes plans go awry, but the results can still be wonderful. I wouldn't trade my garden/yard for another.

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